Friday, March 11, 2011

Less QQ more Pew Pew

So I figured out something most horrible just now. When I reformatted my laptop, I forgot to save all my screen caps from World of Warcraft. I literally lost everything I took for a year. I had thought it was in one of my picture folders... but it wasn't. I haven't literally cried yet. But as soon as I look for a picture I thought I had and realize its gone forever... yeah I think I will start then.

So expect more pictures on this site. I will probably use this place to immortalize my screen shots now. Mwuhahaha. Also, huge thought and I will start doing this as soon as Remy (the bf) is not asleep in the next room, video posts. I don't want to turn this into nothing but a Vblog but maybe some here and there. So look for them coming soon. -big smiles-

Almirmiel in 3 pieces of Heirloom Gear. FEAR THE EXP!

As for game updates: I started playing my highest level Priest again. (Almirmiel - 85 Holy Spec) And I have come down to the conclusion that I know much more about my Priest than I do my Mage. I would only figure really because I have two Priests nearly identical. (One at 66 and the other at 75) So I'm going to start and level her up to 85 and hopefully get her raid ready as soon as I can. However, on a side note, a few of my friends and I play together on Thursday nights. I'm going to try and keep Almir's levels then around theirs so the four of us have no problems running together. So while I can't play her I will play Zechti, my level 44 Combat Rogue. She currently has one piece of heirloom gear and is leveling REALLY fast. So its going to be a race to see who gets to 85 first.

Zechti with 1 piece of Heirloom Gear.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


One of my first meeting with Creeto, in Orgrimmar dancing on the mail box. Very young Iggy in this picture. XD
Fun outside of Orgrimmar. (Creeto went Alliance) And we PVPed with Fishing Poles.
Where's Iggy?
He comes in all sexy shapes and sizes. -drools-
I wouldn't still be playing World of Warcraft if it wasn't for Creeto. We met about 3 months into me being introduced to the game. (Aug 2009) We've been friends ever since. <3

I love you dearly, Creeto. AND GODAMNIT COME BACK TO HORDE!! XP

Thursday, March 3, 2011

11k DPS

So after taking a hour and a half to read the replies and actually on my Raider's application I was able to log into World of Warcraft for the night. After regemming a few things and reforging, I started working on my DPS. And wow I must say, I can see a huge day to day increase.

Back to my friends the Training Dummies, today I was able to pull 15k DPS.

After a little while I teamed up with Kewi, who was able to show me a bit more of the finer details. (Thank you again! ^^)
This was us simulating the time of a boss battle. I managed to make it all the way to the end with 11k.
This was my DPS in the middle of Lost City Heroic. I ended the dungeon out at 11k.
I'm personally amazed at the progress. At this point, within 4 days I am to the point of where I was when I was doing great for Arcane. -does happy dance- Now all I need to practice is attacking a few mail boxes. Lol. In other words, movement. Once I get how to move and cast, as well as kite. I'll be golden. With Thursday being my day off. That will be my project for tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fire Spec Mage

(Writing this at 6am, so bare with me.)

Okay so for the last week I have been racking my brain to try and get down the Fire Mage Class. It has been one hell of a process. When Cataclysm first came out all I heard was how good the Fire spec was. At the time I was specked as Arcane. From what I read and researched for Wrath of the Lich King, they were 1337 at the time. At the birth of Iggy (level 1) however I was specking for Fire. It wasn't till late 70s that I had people telling me if you want to raid you have to go Arcane! Keeping in mind I refused for quite some time and wanted to stay Fire till the end. Well I broke down and listened to them. I soon after mastered the Arcane spec (granted its not THAT hard to do, it just takes timing) coming into Cataclysm. I didn't want to go back to Fire because this whole time I had pushed it aside to learn Arcane. Well now after months of throwing that spec away, I'm coming back to it.

My progress: To start off with A LOT has changed in the Fire spec. So much so what I knew before wasn't even valid anymore. I've been doing countless numbers of research trying to find the best rotation for me. Well, tonight I think I figure it out a lot more. I was in Orgrimmar practicing on the Training Dummies, when I had peaked at 23k DPS. Before when I was trying to use them for my DPS my peak was only at 10k, which I must say was HIGHLY disappointing. However, tonight I managed to stay at an average 15k DPS and ended the fight at 14k.

Also another update:
I applied to Damage Control as a Raider. I know as a Fire Mage I'm a little lacking but as you can see, every day I'm getting better and better. Really, all I need is someone to show me the ropes (because no one really has yet besides a few pointers here and there and me researching the same things over and over) and I will be great.
This is a screen shot of me resting after the Dummy test run and of course gloating about my DPS.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Damage Control

Welcome to Damage Control!

I'm so excited I was accepted to Damage Control, Sunday the 27th of February. So far it's been a blast and even more fun than I had in Clarity. OMG PEOPLE ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING! It is such a rare thing and now I can see why you need to apply to DC.

Yesterday, for the first time I was able to get all the way through Stonecore Heroic. I had dealt with countless groups who just kept wiping on the first boss. Thanks to DC, Mag and I made it through to the end. ^^ Woot! I have made several friends already. -smiles- I plan to stay here for the rest of my Warcraft career.

Update on Clarity: Well what happened was when I applied to DC, Fd (Raid Leader a.k.a. Jared Wade) got upset (I think jealous from the way he was acting) and wanted to be GM. Well for many reason I didn't think it was going to be a good idea. 1. Raid Leaders should NEVER be GMs. 2. He had stated before that he didn't want to be GM cause all his past guilds he GM failed. (And I see why now) 3. Power goes to one's head and you can rarely find people it won't effect. He WAS NOT one of those. 4. I knew once Ignasia left guild if I didn't stay as GM there would be many who would leave. 5. He just was not. I repeat WAS NOT guild master quality. It was funny though cause he became an immature little child when I wouldn't give him guild so he left guild and took me off his friends list. (Ooooo I was sooooo hurt. -puts back of hand to forehead-) Which then 2 of his friends left. Lmao. So after cooling my head, I was like well screw it. He wants guild that badly, he can have it. Well, the joke was on him because after he became GM, 8 I repeat EIGHT people left guild. (8 compared to 2, sorry bud, I see I was loved more, oh wait I'm not sorry) ALL BECAUSE he was the guild master. And ever since that night Clarity is rapidly losing its members because they had rather played with Kat and Remy than Jared.

SO JARED WADE HOW DOES IT FEEL NOW? And now everyone shall know that Clarity has fallen apart because of you. Yes, YOU. Because you wouldn't listen when I said it would be okay and nothing would change if I had just stayed Guild Master.

R.I.P Clarity, Unknown date of birth - February 2011