Saturday, February 26, 2011

Play Time - Week of 2/27 - 3/5

Due to my work schedule this week I have very select days I can dedicate to the game. And to keep everyone posted on when Ignasia can be on, I decided to make a play time schedule for each week. Keep in mind I am on Eastern Standard Time.

  • Sunday 27th - After 4pm
  • Monday 28th - Hardly if at all, maybe after 12am.
  • Tuesday 1st- All day (Off work)
  • Wednesday 2nd - After 11pm
  • Thursday 3rd - All day (Off work)
  • Friday 4th - After 11pm
  • Saturday 5th - After 4pm.

These are just a rough estimate on when I can get on, due to spontaneous extra work hours and sometimes events.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Transfering Guilds

So if you have been paying attention to my blog, you will noticed that I am GM of Clarity now. However, due to recent events I have decided to apply to Damage Control.

For the Clarity Members who read this:

Don't panic. I will still be part of the guild. I gave Guild Master to Almirmiel my next highest toon. I will still help as much as I can on Ignasia, which includes helping with gearing people up to running dungeons for those rep grinders. From the looks of it I will not be able to raid with Damage Control quite yet so I will still run with those from Clarity. As far as I know, Magiere will be staying in Clarity so I will always have connections and updates. So if anyone needs me and doesn't know how to get ahold of me contact Magiere. The reason I am doing this transfer is because after the last raid a few of us have realized if people don't start pushing themselves and being dedicated, Clarity is not going to go anywhere. So from here on out, Clarity will probably just be a casual guild.

For those of you interested here is my application I have submitted to Damage Control: Ignasia's Application

I will keep this updated as much as I can to keep everyone informed to what is going on. ^^ Wish me luck and happy gaming.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Introduction of Kat

Hello everyone!

My World of Warcraft name is Ignasia, or rather Iggy for short. But everyone knows that. So what's this lump of flesh hitting the keyboard and clicking a mouse?

My name is Katlyn but I much perfer Kat. I'm 21 years old and live in the Pittsburgh area of Pennsylvania, US. And yes, I'm female. I find it more than amusing the 'guy' comments I get as if I was male. I guess it is to be expected when I think I'm one of the like 3 girls in Clarity. And some days it seems even World of Warcraft. I personally don't understand why there are not that many girls. -shrugs- But oh well.

For all of those who don't know I live with Magiere (our 85 Paladin). We've been dating for year, February 13th 2011. And he's been the most amazing guy ever. I also live with 4 absolutely adorable fuzz balls. I have a dog, which we're like 99% sure she is a wolf-hound pup, which is named Rogue. I also have two twin sister kittens named Druid and Paladin. And last but not least, our most 'fluffy' Death Knight (we just call him DK) who is our two year old all-black male cat. As you may notice there is a huge pattern in the house. YES, everyone is named after World of Warcraft classes. Obsessed! We think not! -__- Okay maybe a little.

I'm honestly not sure what else to put so I will leave it up to everyone else if they want to ask questions, I'll be most happy to answer them.

Druid and Paladin, with Rogue on the bed.
DK in the car on the way home.
Rogue - Daddy's little girl
Paladin and Druid when they were very little.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Introduction of Ignasia


-waves- Hello everyone to my blog about World of War-crack... oh I mean World of Warcraft. Yes, that's what I meant. -coughs- For those of you who have stumbled (maybe have actually stumbled, it's an awesome website for the bored, upon this blog and wondering what World of Warcraft is (or Wow as it is most often referred to) well, besides you failing for not knowing what Wow is, it is a MMORPG. Okay and if you don't know what a MMORPG is... just get the hell off this site. Okay on to the good stuff!

I'm currently playing many characters and before anymore is typed I have to say one thing... "FOR THE HORDE!" Okay, thats out of my system. -wipes sweat from brow- Characters, right characters...

I play on a server called Suramar, a PVE server at that. My main of course is Ignasia, she is an 85 (Arcane/Fire) Mage. -huggles Iggy- She is my pride and joy.

In the picture above she is currently wearing the Ramakahen Tabard and 3 pieces of Epics. Average Item level of 345 as of 2/04/11.
My second in line for the throne is Almirmiel, level 72 (as of 2/04/11) Holy/Shadow Priest. I plan to level her up next. And then from there I have 5 ALTs that I'm waiting on leveling amongst them a Hunter named Feralos (named after one of my good friends, who used the same name for himself), a Rogue named Zechti, another Priest named Mab (yes it is a Dresden Files reference, she was once GM of the Winter Court), a Druid named Tsuki, and last but not least a Death Knight (I haven't even touched yet) named Malcavious.

I'm currently in a wonderful guild named Clarity. As well, not to long ago I was appointed Guild Master of it. The guild is currently sitting at level 11 and has 140+ members. We are currently hoping to start raiding soon. But soon is to be used very loosely. We're still having a hard time getting groups together for Heroics. -sad panda- Hopefully, that will clear up soon.

Well, that completes my introduction for now. ^^ I will be posting some of my wonderful adventures in the world of Azeroth, coming up next. -salute-