Friday, February 25, 2011

Transfering Guilds

So if you have been paying attention to my blog, you will noticed that I am GM of Clarity now. However, due to recent events I have decided to apply to Damage Control.

For the Clarity Members who read this:

Don't panic. I will still be part of the guild. I gave Guild Master to Almirmiel my next highest toon. I will still help as much as I can on Ignasia, which includes helping with gearing people up to running dungeons for those rep grinders. From the looks of it I will not be able to raid with Damage Control quite yet so I will still run with those from Clarity. As far as I know, Magiere will be staying in Clarity so I will always have connections and updates. So if anyone needs me and doesn't know how to get ahold of me contact Magiere. The reason I am doing this transfer is because after the last raid a few of us have realized if people don't start pushing themselves and being dedicated, Clarity is not going to go anywhere. So from here on out, Clarity will probably just be a casual guild.

For those of you interested here is my application I have submitted to Damage Control: Ignasia's Application

I will keep this updated as much as I can to keep everyone informed to what is going on. ^^ Wish me luck and happy gaming.