Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Power Under My Finger Tips

WE WON! By default...

That was probably the high-light of my night. For the fun of it 5 of us decided to make an Arena team and have at it. There are a few things I learned. Crysus dies VERY quick and that I need to work on being a Frost Mage. Lmao. But it was a blast. It was a great way to get welcomed back after weeks of not playing.

I'm not normally one to rant in public about something, maybe to a few friends but not like this. However, this really irked me. And I mean REALLY irked me. (Not so bad I punched a brick wall over a mount, those days are over. Congrats again Neat ^^) So first night back I have no addons set up nothing the way I like to play. Thanks to a certain Rogue who didn't replace my folders back to the way I had them. -glares playfully- So, standing in Org with nothing to do, there is suddenly a yell going "LF 1 Healz and 2 Deeps for Mal". O__O <-- Was my reaction! So after being disappointed that they filled their spot for DPS that quick, I was suddenly not disappointed that people dropped and I got a spot. Woot go me! (This isn't the irked part yet...) So find out we are doing Bastion of Twilight fresh run. Awesome! Go in, have no problem with the trash. (Overblink was hosting the run...) Get to Halfus, Nether's up... shit... after a few wipes and people trying to voice their opinion we down Halfus. Woot go us! *Warning Warning Warning you are entering the irked area* So the loot drops! Woot go us again! It's cloth... >> Awesome I'm the only cloth DPS! My heart starts racing for these bracers. They call roll for it. WHAT THE HELL?! A priest rolled for it. And won it! >> Seriously what the hell?! At this point, I'm asking way he took them... and the only good answer I got was "The mastery is good for me, I can just reforge..." I was sooooo pissed. Welcome to World of Warcraft... We managed to get to Valiona and Theralion and a few attempts before a few decided they were too tired to go on.

So I pulled all my character's out of University of Suramar for many reasons, mainly that Remy isn't playing right now. Even though he paid for 3 months of game time. I like several of the member's there, a few I wish their mics would break, but its honestly not the guild for me. Congrats for making it this far and good luck in the future. I don't know when Remy will even log back on. However, I know he's not done with the game for good.

Right now, I'm taking one step at a time getting back into the game. 4.2 Patch will be releasing soon and we will see a flood of people getting back on. And once again, I will be caught in a rip tide and dragged under only to start trying to swim to the top again. 

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