Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Place of My Own

You know that warm tingly feeling when you hug someone you love, get a holiday card from your parents, or even take a massive dump in a freshly clean toilet. Yeah finally having a place in a raid group is that feeling exactly. I finally found a place of my own. Now granted, the group has yet to raid... and is working out the kinks in trying to get together. My name is still on that list, or well my character's name is on that list. Screw technicalities.

Unfortunately, I have to work that night. But also unfortunately, it doesn't look like many can show up as is. However, there is always Thursday. I have found that drive I needed to continue to log into the World of Warcraft.

She is so not ready for Firelands. Tier 11 stuff is hardly an issue... however ZA/ZG is still kicking my ass healing wise. >< I need to get with a few groups that can help me grind out Valor Points so that I can start working on my Tier 12 things. So speaking of I'm going to jump online and do some Normal Heroics.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh, so this is why you aren't hanging out with me, WoW has gotten hold of you again. =(
